Sabtu, 15 Maret 2014

Causative Verbs

Causative verb express an action which is caused to happen. In other words, when I have something done for me I cause it to happen. In other words, I do not actually do anything, but ask someone else to do it for me. This is the sense of causative verbs.
 The use of the causative verbs :
·         Let
( Subject + Let + Person + Verb )
This contruction means “ to allow someone to do something “ = Membolehkan seseorang melakukan sesuatu.
Example :
John let me drive his new car.
Will you parents let you go to the party ?
I don’t know if my boss will let me take the day off.
·         Make
( Subject + Make + Person + Verb )
This contruction means “ to force someone to do something “ = Memaksa seseorang melakukan sesuatu.
Example :
My teacher made me apologize for what I had said.
Did somebody make you wear that ugly hat ?
She made her children do their homework.
·         Have
( Subject + Have + person + verb )
The contruction means “to give someone the responsibility to do something”. = “menyuruh” orang yang lain untuk melakukan sesuatu.
Example :
Dr. Smith had his nurse take the patient’s temperature.
Please have your secretary fax me the information
I had the mechanic check the brakes
·         Get
( Subject + Get + Person +Verb)
This contruction usually means “ to convince to do something “ or “ to trick someone into doing something”. Cara untuk “meyakinkan” seseorang melakukan sesuatu.
Example :
Susie got her son to take the medicine even though is taste terrible.
How can parents get their children to read more?
The government TV commercials are trying to get people to stop smoking

The Benefit of Studying English for Faculty of Economics

One of the mission of University faculty of economics of Gunadarma is to carry out gilt edged education is economic area cover management and accounting to society as medium to yield grad which with quality, competence and as according to requirement in this time and will come in order to improving nation competitiveness. With the mission can comprehend that do not only passing university student which is expert in each area but having ability of have foreign Ianguage to especially Ianguage of english to fulfill requirement of society with nation competitiveness in and also abroad.
So that ability of Ianguage of inggris represent important role and also compulsion to university student to can to after Ianguage of inggris becoming international language communication means.
Ability of have foreign Ianguage to university student is an compulsion. Not merely for the man who Ianguage science study  linguistics, but also them studying other science. Mastering foreign Ianguage very useful for example to comprehend textbook, book, and Iesson items which is not all written in Indonesian. Student can study foreign Ianguage do not only passing courses. Television media , internet till have direct interaction to with foreigner have progressively is easy to conducted.
Student a lot give to have a notion that ability of have needed absolute foreign Ianguage. cleverness  have foreign Ianguage to facilitate to learn and improve trust of x'self. This ability also enlarge opportunity come into activity world.
University student which wish to work in tourism and hotel is obliged to Ianguage can be foreign. Even, they enthusiastic in international business and law of Ianguage neglect may not be foreign. So also in various other activity world, like air transport, entertainment, advertisement, media, agriculture, doctor, and education. Even, ability of foreign Ianguage which obliged if we like to continue education to higher level ladder, either in in and also abroad.
Besides taking Ianguage courses or learn self-educatedly, in a number of campus also there are some foreign Ianguage klub. Although carried out by Ianguage faculty or art, many student of other faculty of enthusiast of foreign Ianguage join.